Internal and External Cleaning Services

Our internal and external cleaning services in Abu Dhabi are extremely flexible, which gives us the ability to clean properties of all sizes. Whether you need a deep clean for a residential property in Abu Dhabi or wish to have an external glass cleaning service at a commercial building in Abu Dhabi, we are here to serve you as best as possible.

Internal Cleaning

We clean and maintain the internal spaces of facilities to ensure a perfect working and living environment for inhabitants. We have specific knowledge of internal cleaning which allows us to deliver value-added services to our clients.

Our highly qualified and trained team follows industry-standard cleaning procedures and uses modern equipment to deliver internal cleaning services with a consistently high level of quality.

How do we do internal cleaning?

  • We use color-coded cleaning to preserve hygiene and avoid the spread of germs.
  • Use cleaning materials that are made of microfiber cloth which helps in eliminating waste by using less cleaning solution.
  • Preserve air quality by avoiding the use of aerosol-based cleaning products.
  • Use HEPA and ULPA filtration in our vacuums to capture microscopic dust and allergens and leave three times fewer particles in the air.
  • Make sure to use green chemicals and biodegradable products to produce a minimal ecological footprint.

External Cleaning

Make your office/commercial areas/external glass/facades shine with our professional deep cleaning services in Abu Dhabi. We take care of all the external spaces of your facilities such as common outdoor areas, landscapes, facades, gardens, and car parks. Our specialized cleaning techniques are designed to maintain the external areas at the highest standards and in the best condition possible.


How do we do external cleaning?

  • We clean dust, dirt, or debris from the floors, walls, and surfaces in an efficient way that minimizes airborne dust.
  • We use HEPA and ULPA filtration in our vacuums to capture microscopic dust and allergens, resulting in three times fewer particles in the air.
  • We clean the lights regularly to ensure essential lighting requirements.
  • With proper labeling, we dispose of waste in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.
  • Spills are quickly and effectively dealt with by using the proper materials and equipment to minimize consequences.
  • We use green chemicals and biodegradable products to minimize our ecological footprint.

Blue Waves Facilities Management LLC. offers affordable and quality external glass cleaning services particularly for your residence and offices both. We have professional window cleaning services in Abu Dhabi.